Hart Nissan
Zach Birch of Hart Nissan Rejoins the Parts eCommerce Game with RevolutionParts
A parts department’s success is dependent on the Parts Manager’s leadership and the willingness to go the extra mile. As someone who aggressively embraces the digital revolution in his part and accessory selling strategies, Zach Birch of Hart Nissan knows all too well how to lead his department to the finish line.
When Zach joined forces with Hart Nissan, they had already been successfully running a “massive eBay account.” When the employee whose name was attached to the account was let go, the booming eBay business went with them. The dealership was left with the lofty task of rebuilding that high-generating platform.
Having to start again from scratch, Zach’s parts department was challenged by eBay’s maximum listing limitation. He quickly realized that they needed to partner with an established eCommerce platform so he could list his entire inventory at once and quickly build the selling traction they once had. “It would’ve taken years to get back to the point where we could have several thousands of products listed,” says Zach.

Revenue Soared After Partnering with a Winning Parts eCommerce Platform
Zach has been selling parts with RevolutionParts for less than a year, but he has already reached volume incentives that have earned him kickbacks from Nissan. On top of the gross profit he’s earning through online part sales, he’s also getting that recognition from the manufacturer.
Selling online comes with a new mindset towards profit margins, too. “The profit may not be huge on every single sale, but with Nissan, your parts returns are based off of your purchases so there are other benefits,” he says, “we saw an increase in parts returns close to $1,000 just based on the orders from RevolutionParts.” To him, that extra gross profit plus manufacturer kickbacks make selling online well worth it.
Zach knows that the digital approach to selling parts and accessories is a different beast, “you’ve gotta pay to play and if you wanna make money, you have to find every exploitable way to do so.” He does the leg work and gets out of it what he puts into it. “I price shop my competitors and make adjustments and use custom images and unique descriptions to set myself apart from the competition,” Zach says.
Hart Nissan Performance Snapshot
Start Date
AVG Monthly Revenue
Total Revenue Generated
AVG Order
Zach Compares RevolutionParts vs. SimplePart
Zach’s Parts Department was selected to test two parts eCommerce solutions, RevolutionParts and SimplePart, side by side. Zach gave us some insight into how each was performing.
In addition to Zach’s RevolutionParts business regularly generating thousands more in sales each month than his SimplePart business, he also loves the ease and time savings he and his team experience using RevolutionParts. “It’s definitely the easiest online platform I have used and currently use at the moment,” Zach explains.
“You’ve got to page jump with SimplePart,” says Zach, there are so many steps to simply fulfill an order. With RevolutionParts, all you have to do is click on the order number and everything you need to fulfill the order is right on that page.”
These aren’t the only things Zach prefers about RevolutionParts. Check out this chart we created detailing the major ways Zach succeeds with RevolutionParts compared to our leading competitor:

Zach signs off with a final word of wisdom for the parts departments who are stuck in the past, taking a page from Wayne Grtezky’s book: “People need to be more forward… ‘you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’”